0 snob(s) ● 22.1.12 ● 8:40 AM
Hey and Assalamualaikum. Today i want to tell you guys a ghost story. I think this story is quite boring and dontnt even scary at all, but i dont force you to read it. Okay? Here we go now! K.

Satu hari ni, ada 3 orang lelaki, nama dia Ali, Abu and Amar. Diaorang tiga ni dah join satu perkhemahan dekat hutan. Nama hutan ni Sungai Congkak. Diaorang ni pergi ramai-ramai, rombongan sekolah lah katakan. So diaorang bertolak petang.. smpai pun mesti ah malam en. Pastu 2-3 jam lepas tu diaorang pun sampai lah kat destinasi yg di tuju. Ali ni dah tak tahan sangat nak kencing so dia pun mintak kebenaran drpd cikgu, yg Ali ni nak pergi kencing. So Ali pun ajak ah Abu dengan Amar. Pastu diaorang pun pergilah, jalan punya jalan, diaorang tak jumpa pun tandas dalam hutan tu. Then diaorang memutuskan untuk kencing je kat pokok. Ali terjumpa satu pokok besar and sebab dia dah tak tahan sangat, dia pun kencing ah. Dia tak mintak izin langsung nak kencing. And tetiba dia terdengar orang mengilai nama dia. Dia buat taktau ah sebab Ali ni berani sikit, Abu dengan Amar ni penakut. Masa tu Abu dengan Amar jaga ah kat belakang. Habis kencing semua, Ali pun nak basuh ah kencing dia en, masa nak basuh tu, tetiba..........dia ternampak ada satu perempuan ni rambut dia panjang sangat! Dia pakai baju putih! And then sebab Ali ni seorang yg berani, dia buat taktau and ajak diaorang balik ke tempat perkhemahan. Masa perjalan balik, tetiba Abu dengan Amar ternampah ADA BENDA PUTIH ATAS POKOK! Diaorang nak tegur tapi diaorang takut so diaorang pun diam...Ali dengan selamba pun terus jalan tanpa pandang kiri atau kanan. Then masa diaorang nak balik, diaorang tetiba tak jumpa jalan keluar! Diaorang pun cemas gila and diaorang jerit nama cikgu yg jaga kem tu. Ali dengan Abu jerit kuar gila! Amar sesat kat belakang. Pastu diaorang baru perasan yang Amar takde dengan diaorang. Diaorang pun pergi belakang semula, nak cari Amar punya pasal. Masa diaorang tgh cari tu, macam2 diaorang diaorang dengar tapi diaorang buat taktau je. Suddenly...........jeng jeng jeng...! Tetiba ADA SATU KEPALA JATUH DARIPADA ATAS POKOK BESAR. Tempat yang Ali kencing tadi. Diaorang pun jerit kuat kuat tapi takde siapa yang dengar. Diaorang taktau nak buat apa then diaorang terus lari laju2. Tetiba hanya dengar sekelip mata, tiga2 orang sesat! Masing-masing taktau and takde idea kat mana diaorang ada masa tu. Tiga-tiga terlanggar BENDA and tiba tiba terjatuh dan tak sedarkan diri hingga esok pagi. Keesokannya, Amar pun terjaga and dia tak dapat fikir apa-apa. Dia pun lari laju-laju and tetiba, finally! Dia dah jumpa tempat perkhemahan diaorang. Dia pun bersyukur and gembira tak terkata. Masa dia nak masuk khemah dia untuk tidur, TIBA-TIBA DIA TERNAMPAK YANG ALI AND ABU TENGAH TIDUR NYENYAK DALAM KHEMAH TU! Amar terus pengsan and tak sedarkan diri. Dia demam and start hari tu, dia jadi pendiam. -THE END-

Haaa, how's the story? Is it scary enough? I think yes. Haahaha okay, enough for today. I felt so sleepy now. Going to sleep and be watch! Check first what's under your bed. Recite Al- Fatihah and 3 Qul and make sure your door is lock. Bye, Assalamualaikum and thanks for reading xx

Me is me. I'm not gonna change who i am.
0 snob(s) ● 17.1.12 ● 3:28 AM
Assalamualaikum and hi readers! How are you today? Alhamdulillah i'm fine. So.............what today is it? Tuesday!! Yeay~~~ what a day, i got a lot of homeworks to do but nah, i'll do it tonight, I'm on my break time now, like a boss. Hahahaha! So okay, today i want to tell you about my story. Yeah, it's about me.Lol it would be boring right? Yahhhhhhh i knew. My story is not interesting as you'll so, just read it and shut the fuck up. Hey, this is me! Form what? i dont know what my age! Hahaha, keep reading, and watching! :)




                                                                    2012 ?


So ya, that's all. Hahahahha my face was so asdfghjkl. Lol okay, i think i should stop here. It's maghrib time, solat and study. Assalamualaikum! Thanks for reading xoxoxoxo

Fogheve singgel.
0 snob(s) ● 15.11.11 ● 1:06 AM
Motif? I dont have any idea.
Assalamualaikum readers. Today, im going to talk about my status. Yahh, the tittle. See that? "Fogheve singgel" means "Forever single". Lewl. I dont want to think about it anymore, just wait for next year. Im too young to know about love. *hew* No, actually im bored. Thats why im doing this. Idk what to write because im not in my mood. Ergh, my final year results was bad--' Im not gonna tell yahh, its secret. Only my besfriends knew what i got. I just want to tell my number. Its 25. Isn't bad? Over 40. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my mother said it was so bad. Really bad. I hope i can stay on 2 Baihaqi. I dont want to change my class. No, i dont want to. Im gonna miss my friends :'( Im gonna miss the memories that we've made. (Baihaqi's memories). Wish for me!! Ohh yaa, i'll take my results on this FRIDAY,18/11/11. After take the results, im going to Penang!!!!! Yeah, it just for 4 days--' Its not a vacation actually, me and my family go there bcz of my mom's works-.- Okay, i hope it will be fun as i thought. Its 5.15p.m and im going to field with my brothers and play the football. Chiao! Assalamualaikum.

Little Faith
0 snob(s) ● 13.11.11 ● 10:10 AM

Do you ever have the feeling of being betrayed by someone? Especially your friend. If you do, i bet the feeling isn't actually nice at all. Because, i did too. Neither in the past nor even now, it hurts an awful a lot. Those betrays that tear your heart, ruin the memories and feeling, break the trust & everything that mean so much for you, but not him/her. Bacause, if it really mean to her/him, they wont have risk to lose a friend like you. I can conclude that it cost them nothing, not-a-thing.So, as you know, i accidentally heard some gossips (You know, we girls like to gossip about everything) about me, complaining sombody's camouflage voice, the way she acts like (acting cute). Fine, my first expression was, LOL,  how dare she could be telling the girl that i complaint about her vioce and so on. And then at last, i told myself to put off the flame of rage and stay cool and calm. Just try not to bother about her and stay sham when face her, acting like friendly towards her but actually,weel, not at all. I just repay what she'd done on me towards herself, its fair enough that i didnt do any exception in my mind that is cruel. I just trying to stand her fake attitude towards friends. I hate betrayal and liers, just as others do. Stay apart from me, betrayal.







11/11/11 - Awesome date or ...
0 snob(s) ● 10.11.11 ● 11:20 PM
Screen captured frm Miss Zarith Sofea :-)
Oh hey, Assalamualaikum readers :D Its been a long time i've not open my blog. It because im too lazy. Too lazy to update and editing it. Haha k. Today is 11/11/11. What an awesome date! But, most of my friends said that the date is actually not a good date. Why?! THIS. "Dalam kitab satanic the holy is satan,Yg Mr St Wingston Father Satan bagi tahu yang 11.11.11 hari kebangkitan anak setan dan dajjal yang akan memerintah dunia. Dan org akan memuja2 pada hari keramat yg bratus tahun Wiliam satan tunggu-tunggukan. Sebenarnye orang tak akan tahu apakah makna tarik tersebut malah pada hari Jumaat datangnya kami untuk menyesat semua agama Islam.So, the moral of the story, dont be too proud of it. Anything can happen. Actually,it is just another day with a beautiful date and nothing special ain't gonna happen. Nuff said. Im actually open this blog just wanna share it. Not more than that. Haha LOL. K its not funeeh. Shall i stop here? Yahhh, stop here! Im going to have my lunch. And, thnks for the readers! Eventhough my story is quiet boring and little bit annoys you, but nevermind, i except the compliments. Assalamualaikum

Zarith Sofea♡

Zarith Sofea, 14, I'm proud to be Malaysians.

